We all know that women have been making advances in their careers in a variety of fields, but it’s also no surprise to read a recent study of working women (SCORE 2018) 83% interviewed stated that they want to own their own business. One major reason is to gain more flexibility with their schedules. At Exhale we love to share stories about women that have taken the leap to finding a career path that gives them the control, flexibility and passion they need for a balanced life. Read our Q&A with Darcy Krinksy, a woman that makes running a business and raising twins look so easy, but we know it’s not! – Sandra Casagrand, Founder Exhalelifestyle

Tell us a bit about yourself, when did you decide it was time to leave your corporate job and pursue your dreams?
Darcy Krinsky:My entire childhood was defined by athletics, particularly soccer, so when it was finally time to hang up my cleats, I had a bit of an identity crisis…who was I now? Luckily, after graduation, I landed a job with the sports brand Reebok, where I once again fell in love with fitness. Over the next 17 years I was a sponge. I soaked up every ounce of industry knowledge, learning from the best in the business. Over my tenure with the brand, I learned an important lesson; your product is always king (well queen in this case). While living in Los Angeles, I met royalty. Her name was Lagree Fitness, and she was beautiful! Like a great first date, her workout had you breathless with a racing heart, completely caught off guard, yet when it was over you desperately wanted more. That feeling didn’t go away when I moved back to the suburbs of Boston a few years later. I knew that if I had such an immediate attraction to this workout, other women would too! I found my product! I opened my first studio while still working full time for Reebok. Grinding and learning the fitness business from 9-5 and then hustling building my passion project in every spare moment. I took a loan out from my 401K and signed my first location’s lease in March 2018. In April I learned I was pregnant and then in May I found out it was twins. Yet, come September we still opened the doors to Higher Ground Fitness, a boutique Lagree Studio in the suburbs of Massachusetts. When I tell this story, people often look at me like I’m crazy, asking “how did you do it?” The answer is you just do! If it wasn’t pregnancy and twins, it would have a pandemic and global shutdown. As an entrepreneur, you are constantly faced with obstacles that were never thought through in your business plan. But when those challenging moments arrive you dig deep into your toolbox using every piece of knowledge you’ve put it along the way, trusting that you are now armed to solve this problem. In late 2020, after two years of juggling motherhood, corporate America, and life as a female entrepreneur, I decided it was time to fully invest in my dreams. I resigned from Reebok emotionally, closing one of the best chapters of my life yet knowing it was time to bring another. I will forever be grateful to this brand for allowing me the opportunity to learn the business of fitness.

How do you balance being a mom of twin boys and life as an entrepreneur?
Darcy Krinsky:Wine! JK, but I do believe life is all about balance! Being an entrepreneur offers me flexibility to decide when I want to do something. I don’t have to ask anyone’s permission to spend a day with my kids, yet those long late hours don’t come with overtime pay. I grind extremely hard to be the best mom and business owner I can be, but honestly, most nights I go to bed feeling like I didn’t give someone enough. I mean the poor dog hasn’t gone on a walk for a week. I’m an optimist though and by the time the sun rises I’ll once again believe that I can do it all!

What is your overall philosophy on personal wellness?
Darcy Krinsky:Personal Wellness is a balancing act and different for all of us! For me, I have always been my best self; happiest, healthiest, and most productive, when I’m surrounded by an empowering fit-minded community. I thrive off the contagious energy that I feel during a workout class. When I’m done, without even thinking about it, I’m motivated to eat healthier and continue to move! On the days that I don’t workout, I find myself grabbing an unhealthy lunch, and sitting on my phone versus playing with my kids outside! Fitness is that catalyst for my overall personal wellness

Darcy Krinsky:When I have 20 minutes to spare, driving to work or out on a walk with our puppy, I listen to a female lead podcast. Sometimes these are business focused about struggling start-ups and how they achieved their dreams. Other times I just find a random topic that sounds interesting and laugh, cry, or smile along! I get lost in these podcasts’ episodes, but when they are over, I just feel my creative juices flowing and am more motivated to seize the day! There are so many incredible entrepreneurs out there and so much you can learn by listening to other people’s stories. The best lesson of all is knowing that once you rise to the top, it’s important to send the elevator back down, which Is why I never turn down the opportunity to speak with fellow startups or business owners and pass along my advice.

If you could give a fellow mompreneur one piece of advice, what would it be?
Darcy Krinsky:Once YOU decide to move forward with your business, whether that’s gaining the courage to create a business plan, or starting an LLC, that’s also the time to turn off the noise. Repeat after me, “Turn off the noise”. For every person who wishes you luck, there will be 2 others who believe you will fail. Believe in yourself and let your mom-gut guide you!