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Exhale Lifestyle is a magazine for busy women. Subscribe now for One Year (4 Issues) for $20 or One Issue for $8. Exhale is also available on newsstands at your local Whole Foods and Barnes & Noble in most Massachusetts locations, Copley Place, and other retail outlets.
For Media Kit requests email exhale@exhalemediaco.com.
Winter Issue

What’s inside
Jenny Johnson
The ‘Dining Playbook’ host shares her new mission in eating well! This multi-talented media star, mother, wife, and entrepreneur shares her recent struggles with her daughter’s auto immune disorder and how it reshaped her thinking about food and wellness.
Dr. Aviva Romm
Herbalist, midwife, Yale-trained MD, Dr. Aviva Romm has founded her career by prioritizing women’s health.
Finding Balance: Helpful tips from our advice columnist..
And more…
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Spring 2019: Features
Juliette Kayyem: Security Expert, Working Mom, Entrepreneur
Security maven Juliette Kayyem chauffeurs safe rides for kids while running her own company, commands attention in a Harvard grad school amphitheater, and still makes time to walk her dog.
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Summer 2019: Features
Woods Hill Table’s Kristin Canty and Her Back-to-Basics Food Revolution
Kristin Canty, raised near the first battlefield of the American Revolution, has launched a food insurgency aimed at changing the way we eat.
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Fall 2019: Features
In the Lab and on Stage, Merritt Moore Lives Her Impossible Dream
Merritt Moore defies expectations. Being a world-class ballet dancer and a quantum physicist seems like an impossible duality, and yet there she is, a one-off who calls herself a “quantum ballerina.”
Order Your Copy of Fall 2019 Now:
Save by going annual! (Four issues beginning with Fall 2019: $20 print)